A cautious journey from vfl to BFP

A little background: I didn't O until CD38. I thought it would be an AO cycle. But, DH and I kept BD every other day until I got a +OPK. I started testing at 8DPO and got a vvvvfl at 9DPO. At 10DPO I saw a more solid line. This morning (11DPO), I think I have an unmistakable BFP. My LP is usually 12 days. 
Very glad we didn't give up this month and are praying for a very sticky baby! No AF symptoms but I have felt cramps. It feels like gas, but then goes away - without me passing gas. 
This was after 14 cycles of trying. 
I know that's a short period compared to others and for those still on their journey, please keep praying that it will happen exactly when it is supposed to no matter how badly we want it right away. It's a hard prayer to pray.