Anyine else?

So I'm 34 w 5 days I had my 34 week apt Mon but all the Dr did was listen to the heartbeat, measure my stomach, and do blood pressure like my usual appt. I asked her when they could tell if she's head down? All she said was we can check your cervix at 36 w when we do the strep test and see if we feel her head... I see everyone posting how big their baby is or in what percentile and I'm over here with no idea and I was wondering if that's normal for Dr appts? I'm going to an elective ultra sound Mon to pay to see if she's head down but idk if they can tell me her size estimate...
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We haven't had an Ultrasound since our 20w anatomy scan. Our appointments consist of BP/weight, fundal height measurement and Doppler. At 35w doc did GBS test and pelvic exam to determine babies position (head down). Don't worry it's all normal! 


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At my 36 week appointment I asked if they were going to check to see if I'm dialated (i can tell he's head down) and my Dr said he doesn't normally check until 39 weeks. But he said he won't do it unless I ask him to at my 37 week appointment which is this afternoon. I just wanna know what's going on down there. I know the numbers don't necessarily mean anything cause you can go from 1cm to 10cm in a day. But still.


Posted at
That was standard for my doctors office too. I didn't get my cervix checked or find out babies weight or position until my 36 week appointment. I think it's hard sometimes seeing others posting about it, but many are due weeks before you and I.


Sharon • Jan 22, 2016
I totally get it! At 34 weeks my doc did feel the outside of my stomach and she felt pretty sure that baby was head down. But it feels good to know for sure bc the farther along you go, the less room there is for baby to flip if it needs to. Try not to stress and luck!!!!


Carey • Jan 22, 2016
ok thank u, im just terrified of a c section so i want to kniw if shes gonna work with me on this lol


Posted at
Our Dr could feel our kids head was down just by feeling around externally. He showed me how I can feel his head and he's locked and loaded. We started weekly appts this week but still have had no internal exams except the strep b test.  I've been told it really doesn't matter too much how far your dilated early on because you can remain that way for weeks or you could be not dilated at all and go that night. Everyone is different. :). I'm hoping kiddo stays put till his date. We have a lot to do before he arrives! 


Posted at
Growth scans are typically only done if the doctor suspects something abnormal. For example my Fundal height measured 3 weeks behind at my 32 week appointment so the doctor scheduled an ultrasound. Sure enough baby is measuring really small and I am now considered high risk for the remainder of my pregnancy.  Good luck mama your almost there!