Baby shower for baby #2?

How many of you are expecting baby #2 and having a baby shower? Specifically when the new baby is the same gender as your first?  I've got pretty much all I need but there are a few things on my list this time around that weren't last time. I'm curious as to what other people usually do or what y'all think. Thanks! 
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I'm Hispanic and for us a baby shower for each baby is totally normal. I know according to other people,and their traditions it's "greedy" if you have more then one. This is how we look at it,it's basically baby's first party and a time to celebrate a new member of the family it's a big deal for us. We love to get together with our friends and family,and usually we as the baby's parents throw the shower. This is baby number 5,and our last one so we most definitely are having a baby shower 🎉!


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I'm having my second little boy 5 1/2 years apart. I wasn't going to have a baby shower because I felt guilty about it. My step mom insisted on throwing one so I'm having one. We didn't keep much from our first so she says that no one will have a problem with it. I'm really not expecting to get much bit we will see.


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I have 5 and doctors confirm I'm pregnant with baby #6. I had showers for our first 4 but wasn't able to have one for our 5th. I plan on having one for this was mainly because I think it makes it a special time that you and family and friends get to celebrate the coming of a baby and it also helps with items you'll need like diapers and clothes. It's really up to what you like and need. 


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I had one with my second boy but it was pretty small and uneventful but still nice! Now I'm having my first girl and no one is doing anything either... I'm a little sad but financially we are better off so I guess we'll just deal with it.


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I had my son in 2013. And was given  Mostly hand-me downs. Which I was grateful for. My brother and 2 sisters each had a baby two boys one girl so I passed on almost every I had been given other than my sons crib and car seat. So I'm having another shower also because she's a girl lol 


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We had one for our son who is 2 1/2, but unless someone decides to throw us one, we aren't having one. We thought about just doing a meet and greet. We have pretty much all the big stuff. All we really need are diapers and clothes for her. 


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My son is 6. I'm due with baby girl #2 April 3rd :) we are having a baby shower. If it was a boy we were going to have a sprinkle :)You could have a sprinkle and get things you need that you don't have just yet :) 


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It will be my second baby and we are doing a shower as my(our) daughter is 8 and I had her on my own before our marriage so this is first baby for hubby and I :) 


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This is my 2nd son and I am having 3 showers. I didn't ask for one, nor expect one, but my sister insisted on having one for me, my sis in law insists on having one for the in law family and my boss wants all of the employees to get together for one for me. I think it's nice that this baby will be celebrated just as the first did. I saved a lot and don't need too much but just getting together to celebrate will be fun!


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My first daughter is 3.5 yrs old so I wasn't planning on it. My mother in law made it obvious to us that it sounds greedy to her to have another shower. But, my mom on the other hand just told me she's throwing me a little shower. But it will just be with a handful of family from her side. No friends or hubby's fam.. just a few aunts, cousins and sisters