20 weeks sharp pain


I'm 20 weeks and have sharp pain all over my stomach and down low. Sometimes constant and sometimes off and on. I get nauseas also. Should I be concerned?
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At 17 weeks I had a sharp cramping pain super low. Went to urgent care because of having a upper respiratory infection and mentioned the pain and they said it was a uti (even tho I had no other uti symptoms). I went to my anatomy scan a couple days ago (19 weeks 3 days) and baby is perfectly fine and healthy. Idk if it'll be the same for you but go get it checked out just in case and ease your mind


Emmi • Jan 22, 2016
Also my cramping has changed, I personally think it's just the baby growing and doing stuff. I'm not a dr tho and this is my first pregnancy lol


Posted at
I literally just called my husband in a panic bc of this pain. Called the Dr and they believe it's round ligament pain (uterus stretching). It comes and goes and I have no other symptoms. Talk about being freaked out. 20 weeks tomorrow for me. 


Posted at
Thanks I put a call into my doc at 11am and it is now 2:18pm and haven't heard anything back. My husband is worried and the pain is a lot worse when I'm sittin up standing or walking. Laying down it seems to get better. 


Posted at
I have been pregnant a lot. I have REALLY BAD Ligament pain so IT COULD be that. Its Sharp pulling pain or similar to a leg cramp in your side.