Implantation? Confused

My boyfriend and i had sex on January 5th before my period started on January 6th, it lasted about 7 days. We had sex on the 13th and my fertilize window didn't start until the 16th, which we had sex on and the 17th. I ovulated on the 19th on 3 a.m. on January 20th I woke up with a fever of 100.7 and cramping and had cold sweats and rest of the day my fever stayed between 99.9-100.0 but light cramps. On January 21st I had no fever at all but I was moody and emotional. Today I started to feel weird being light headed, light nauseous, light cramps tingling in my lower abdominal, bloated and very light spotting... I'm confused if this is implantation or its to early? Please help me out ladies!