Had my 37 week checkup. No dilation.


What have you guys done that has helped dialate. I'm scared of a c section or being induced!

I dnt want to speed up the process to induce my labor early but I also don't want to end up being induced or with a csection. Nothing against it I'm just scared of anything that means surgery.

2nd pregnancy. 1st was vaginal

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Just relax have sex go for walks all these things will help I'm currently 37w5d and don't want baby here before February 2nd currently hubby is deployed to Korea will be home the 1st sometime so I say we can welcome little guy the 2nd lol Good luck and walk walk walk sex sex sex 


Posted at
I'm only half cm dialated and 75% effaced. My Dr suggested sex, raspberry leaf tea, and exercise. 37 weeks today.


Curry • Jan 23, 2016
if I understand right effaced just means thinned out.


Alejandra • Jan 23, 2016
what is effaced? my doctor never tells me anything. I hve no idea how big this baby is or anything. I had to ask about dilation if not he wouldn't of told me.


Posted at
Sex for sure, the semen has prostoglandins which help ripen the cervix and orgasm is good too.For any night that you aren't intimate you can insert 2 or 3 evening primrose oil capsules in your vagina, which will do the same thing. You can also take 1,300-2,600 mg orally.Most of the things people suggest like bouncing, walking, sex, etc don't cause labor (unless it was already going to happen), but instead help your cervix to ripen and soften. That's what we want at this point (I'm 37&3) so we don't have to dilate all at once when the time comes.