Gaining during workouts

So I decided his year I was going to workout more and eat right, cliche I know, but I never had that goal. Now that I'm working out in having mixed feelings. I'm soooo confused. Not really understanding what's going on. Before I started working out I was 185. During my first week of working out I lost 3 pounds. Okay, seemed like I was on the right track. Second week I lost two more pounds. Okay cool, decided to step up my routine a little bit. Third week I noticed I gained 5 POUNDS!! I was like whaaaaaaat?! What happened? Everyone told me oh it's probably water weight, maybe it's your time of the month, maybe it's muscle. Ok so I told myself k was determined and not gonn give up and let this defeat me. Weighed myself today and I've gained another 5 POUNDS!!!! I weigh more then I did before I started working out. Not good. I'm currently at 190. Someone today said maybe your pregnant. Not likely. I work out every morning, except Wednesday's and Sunday's, and I try to put in a good hour of cardio and weights. I attend a cycle class Saturday mornings for an hour. I know I don't eat enough calories to replace what I'm burning but I'm not a bi lg eater. I had to get a post protein workout shake mix to replace breakfast. I drink water all day. I've cut out what sugars and carbs I can. I watch sodium intake and don't ea lot of breads and starches. I eat meats, veggies and fruits mainly. No sweets or sodas, juices, coffees or nothing of that nature. I eat a protein box for lunch, and eat homemade dinners with the husband. We don't eat out or any fried, frozen food. Basically I guess I'm asking if anyone has gone through this and ended up dropping pounds later free sticking with it. Trying to see what I need to adjust. Looking for a fitness/food nutritionist buddy.