Frustrated with my sex life.

When I met my husband we became sexually active pretty quick. (17. Hormoans lol) (also hadn't come to God yet lol) we as teens had to sneak around and we have a few crazy stories to say the least. Now we're married and we have a three year old plus one on the way and our sex life to me has become B-O-R-I-N-G. All we ever do is typical sex in our bed usually in the morning and it's just so routine and bleh. I don't want it changed up necessarily, like introducing whips and chains or anal doesn't do it for me. I just miss the thrill of our sex. I miss having sex in fun places (actual places not talking body anatomy lol)  and my husband now that we're married doesn't care to do it that way anymore. He never really loved speaking around but since we wernt married there was always the fear of me leaving him I guess and now that that fear is gone he is more comfortable saying no? Also we live with room mates and I see no end in sight for that at the moment either. 
Ladies I've been so patient and I've tried really hard to make myself just get over it but I'm just so disappointed in our sex life. I don't want to be one of those boring married couples. And to think we are young! We have so many years of sex ahead of us. I don't know what to do! 
Help. Any advice is appreciated. 
(And yes I've spoken with him about my feelings. Hasn't changed anything just has us both stumped)