Diaper party.

Alright ladies I need some insight. A few months back my mil offered to throw me a baby shower for my first son but second baby. Something small along the lines of a sprinkle. I received a ton of clothes for my lil man and we don't need anything extravagant. I just want something to celebrate him. Well ff- to last Sunday I am 31 weeks and my friend was over who offered to help and mil says we need to get togethere to plan the shower.(my friend and I look at her like ok ur crazy?)I tell mil its way to late in the game we don't need a shower and I rather her just spend money on baby. Well then we decide to throw daddy a diaper party. Good compromise I think since we didn't have one with the first. Now we don't have many friends  or many weeks left. We ask family who we know will come and they can only do it super bowl Sunday. They're excited bc they can get out of hosting and come to my house to watch the Super Bowl. Problem is I want that day to be about my lik man not some stupid game. Hubby and I are not into sports at all and I have a small home and hate hate my tv blaring and do not want to host something like this. Or see my mil blow her money on appetizers so we can get two or three packages of diapers. I don't think or friends would come bc it is super bowl Sunday and most prob allready have plans? To top it off my gf who was gonna help host is on vacation and that's the only weekend she cannot do. Sorry this is long I am ranting and upset but don't no if I should just suck it up and enjoy the day or tell mil its not for us? I want it to be about baby but know it won't be- but it is just a diaper party.