How big is the age gap between your children?


History: I had my 1st son at 21 and married his dad was with him from 18-28 for 10years (of him controlling me) total. We never had any other children I wanted one more and he didn't.... Last year we broke up, yesterday I finally submitted the divorce papers(yay!!!!).

Now I found my perfect match! I thank God he has no kids @39 and I'm about to be 30. My only son is almost 8 years old. And my SO and I are TTC. Sometimes I get worried about the age difference between the children. If I were to get pregnant tomorrow my son would be 9.

If your kids have a big age gap, how are they with eachother?

Do you have a big age gap with your siblings? How did that affect your relationship?

BTW: My son went from I don't want any siblings when I was with his dad to I would love a baby brother now that I found my match!