Legally changing last name

Lindsay β€’ Enjoying every second of our beautiful baby girl
So my boyfriend and I have been together for quite a while now and we are expecting a baby in June. We both want to get married eventually, but this baby was not planned and both agree that we shouldn't rush into marriage just because of the baby. I want the baby to have his last name because I just do, but it bothers me that I will have a different last name. I was thinking about possibly legally changing my last name to his. I haven't done any research on this yet so I'm not sure what it entails or if it's even possible but just wanted some opinions?
Apparently I wasn't as clear as I thought when I said "we both want to get married eventually." It's just not a good time for a number of reasons. It has nothing to do with me not being sure or not wanting to commit. And the reason I want to change my last name is so it would be the same as my daughters in the mean time.
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Posted at
You can commit to changing your last name permanently to your bf, but not to marrying him? Think about that. 


Lindsay β€’ Jan 24, 2016
name because of him, I want it because of her. I thought I was at least clear about this part.


Lindsay β€’ Jan 24, 2016
Maybe I wasn't clear but I never said I couldn't commit to marrying my boyfriend, it's just not a good time right now for a number of reasons and probably won't be for at least two or three more years, and in the meantime, I would like to have the same last name as my daughter. I don't want the last


Posted at
Why would you want to legally change your name to someone that you are not completely sure about marrying? It's simple if y'all want the same name get married 


Kadian β€’ Jan 24, 2016
You are welcome mami all the best 😊


Lindsay β€’ Jan 24, 2016
I actually never said I was "assuming" it would be easy to change my last name, I actually specifically stated that I haven't done any research on it and am not sure what it entails. I'm happy for you that getting married was so simple but we are obviously in different situations. Thanks.


Kadian β€’ Jan 24, 2016
It's the simplest I know cause I did it. I ave legally change my name & I ave change name through marriage. So you know the baby will be b/w 2-3 years old when your done. Your name is your name, and if it was as simple as you are "assuming" 80% of ppl who exist who change their name. Good luck


Posted at
This is something that I'm struggling with also. Me and my fiancΓ© we engaged for 5 months before I got pregnant. We were going to get legally married before our son is born but my insurance is SO much better than his, that it wouldn't be financially smart. I'm so sad my name will be different from my both of theirs on the birth certificate!!! But really who does that affect? It's just us wanting everything to be perfect. It's essentially cosmetic. The love you have for your man or baby will not lesson because of the name on the BC! I was thinking of doing the same thing, but decided to just wait! πŸ’œπŸ’œ


Kinsey β€’ Jan 25, 2016
I have a 6 year old little sister, born in Michigan, and my moms maiden name is also listed on there. So it's kind of inevitable that the maiden name will be on there anyways.


Kelli β€’ Jan 25, 2016
On my birth certificate it just says mothers maiden name! And my parents were married! So I think it's a lot different now. I'm almost 30


Kinsey β€’ Jan 24, 2016
You're welcome! You and your man are the only ones who will see it until baby is old enough to understand it as well! A lot of states list the mother's maiden name anyways! No big deal, just to us! πŸ˜‚πŸ’œ


Posted at
Dont jump to change your name. Its part of the marriage license so its not extra your paying. Me and my husband were together 5 years and had two kids before we married and i changed my last name. Our kids have both last names cause we wanted them to carry both. I know it can be wierd but just wait.


Posted at
YMy mother went to the court house and changed her last name. It usually is only $150 depending on where you live you can call the court house- you will have to stand in front of the judge but isn't. Hard process 


Jenn β€’ Jan 25, 2016
Yea if you don't want to get married then don't but you still can change it anyway. It's very easy to go change with ss office it wasn't too bad. Lindsey


Avery β€’ Jan 24, 2016
Not that you are getting married. Just saying it's the same process as when I got married, and it was annoying!


Avery β€’ Jan 24, 2016
You'll also need to change your name with social security and all of your other stuff. It's the dumbest part about getting married! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Posted at
You have to petition the court and pay. With a marriage license they don't charge. In the hospital they will put baby boy or girl and your last name if it's not changed. The birth certificate can say anything. Lol if it's important to you then go for it! My wife hypened her name for her daughter who has hers and took my name. Our baby however will just have mine. 


Posted at
My fiancΓ© and I were just talking about this, we got engaged and then not even a month later found out I was pregnant. We've decided as you have not to just get married right away to get married. I'm giving the baby his last name because I know in the future that will also be my last name so it doesn't bother me. It'll only be different on the birth certificate for now. 


Lindsay β€’ Jan 24, 2016
Thank you. I probably won't end up doing it either for the reasons you stated unless for some reason when she gets to school age we still aren't financially in the right place for marriage or for whatever other reason.


Posted at
It's very expensive to change your last name :(


Posted at
It's super easy to change your name, at least in Washington state. You just go to the courthouse, pay the $125 fee, and tell the judge why you want the change (e.g. "to have the same last name as my partner"). Done!


Posted at
My brother is biologically not my dads but he has never met his Sperm doner. My dad raised my brother from the time he was a year. When my mom gave birth to my brother her last name (maiden name) was Miller. When my brother was 5, I came along and my parents finally got married and my mom legally changed my brothers name to Justin David Charles Miller Watson. Changing his last name/maiden name into one of his middle names. That way there was always a part of her maiden name in his name.