Thirsty Thirsty Thirsty

Has anyone with a recent bfp noticed a difference in their water consumption? I find that I am constantly thirsty and my lips are very dry and chapped.
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Posted at
I've been TTC for 1 1/2 yrs, this past 4 days I've felt so parched and dry despite drinking lots, I've had over 8 cups today and still thirty, hoping that it is a sign that I'll get a bfp this month.


Posted at
How far along are you? I actually got my bfp yesterday, but I had been wondering why I felt so dehydrated and sleepy I know why.


Lady • Jan 25, 2016
I'm sending my prayers and good wishes to you Hannah. I know how long and hard it is to wait to test


Lady • Jan 25, 2016
That is great. Dominique, how far along do do you think you are and when do you plan on going to the doctor? I want to try to wait about 2or 3 weeks before I go. I had a early miscarriage 4 days after finding out I was pregnant last year.


Hannah • Jan 25, 2016
Congratulations!!! I'm hoping that I'll get my bfp this week


Posted at
Yes, every time I'm pregnant!


Posted at
I’m only 4 dpo and I’ve been incredibly thirsty. I can’t seem to get enough water! I’ll drink a whole glass and five minutes later I need more. Pllleeaaassseee let this be a symptom! We’ve been ttc for 6 months!


Bethany • Jan 12, 2019
I was pregnant!!! Now I’m 34 weeks along :)


Ch • Jan 12, 2019
What was this outcome?


Posted at
One day missed AF and so very thirsty I have prob drank a gallon of water today and still thirsty! 


Lynette • Dec 30, 2018
That sounds like me...AF is set for 1/2. I've prolly drank that much, too today alone


Posted at
I'm 6 dpo and very very thirsty. Did you guys all end up with a BFP??


Ge • Jan 2, 2021
What was your outcome ?! I'm 5dpo and I could literally drink a lake right now haha 🙃 sorry I know this is an older post, I'm just curious !


Posted at
Same. Lips cracked. BFP YESTERDAY!


Posted at
Same here 


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Yes! This past week my mouth is sooo dry! I read that it was a early pregnancy symptoms for some people.


Posted at
Me too!! I am convinced that this baby is really a fish!! I drink so much and 5 minutes later I am thirsty again!