I should be cramping by now...

Hi Ladies, I was pleasantly surprised yesterday when I realized I hadn't started cramping, who likes that pain right? - I usually start having unbearable menstrual cramps at the start of ovulation. Well then I remembered tht hubby and I made love without the use of a condom the week prior 😐. We've been using condoms faithfully for 3 years due to health issues on my part. I'm currently awaiting doctors clearance to start ttc. Well my husband also has health issues, low testosterone, and 6 months ago had an injection of biodentical testosterone. A week and a half ago, a urologist told him because of that injection, his sperm count was most likely low, and possibly he wasn't producing any sperm. So the next night, spontaneously, we made love without using a condom - thinking, why open the new box of condoms if he's not making sperm? The urologist said it would likely take months for him to start making viable sperm. But, I'm 5 days past ovulation with no sign of cramps and I also started to pass white globs of what I'm guessing is cervical mucus (saw one glob in toilet yesterday and once today when I wiped). I had some blood drawn this past Friday for an upcoming naturopath appointment this Thursday - would it be too early to show a week after lovemaking in my progesterone or estradiol? Any input is appreciated! Thanks ladies!
CORRECTION: 7 days past ovulation and supposed to start my period in 11 days.