Needing help


Really needing help and the strength no not let him back. Ive been in this relationship for 4years and now have a 1year old and another one on the way.

Hes been abusive in every single way u name it ive been thru it.

Anyway im 33weeks pregnant with my second child and hes still physically, mentally and emotionally still abusing me. He keeps promising he will never hurt me again but it only takes a few days sometimes a week and hes back to being the same. Im so over not being able to say how i truly feel without him getting angry at me and abusing me. Just wish this could be easy to finally let him go. But deep down i still feel like i love him but then i keep remembering all the crap he has put me thru. He always tells me its my fault why he gets angry and he never does anything. Most of the time i feel like it is my fault. He cheated on me, made me stay outside all night while i was pregnant with my 1st son, and that happened regularly until i had my son. I didnt have any family around coz i lived on the other side of australia. Now that i live close to my family he doesnt want me around any of them because family doesnt like him after everything that hes done to me. And not to mention hes physically hurt my son a couple of times because he was angry at me and threw something at me and hit my baby.

I know im just going on but this is only a snippet of what i have been thru.

I guess i just need some reassurance right now coz its so hard to let go and not look back. Please feel free to share ur experiences and advice really need some at the moment. I dont really feel comfortable talking about this with my family because they think i will end up going back again but this time i really want out. Thank u for reading this ☺