Empty Gestation sac

Does anyone have any advice from personal experiences for me? Yesterday I went for my first Ob appointment. They did the ultrasound first on my stomach but she said she couldn't see anything. Then she had me go pee in a cup to confirm pregnancy. I thought I was 10weeks 5days. I got back into the room and the ultrasound lady did a transvaginal ultrasound. She took a picture of my uterus, then she found a gestational sac but said there was no baby in it. (She only had the ultrasound on for literally 2mins) I felt very pressured into scheduling a d&c. So i scheduled it for the next morning. After leaving and talking with my husband and family about it I called to cancel the D&c. I cancelled it because I'm not bleeding I have no symptoms of a miscarriage. I am going to get a second opinion. I want to be 100% sure before I make any desicions. Any advice ladies??