feeling sad

sorry for the long post i just dont know who else to ask or talk to that maybe or has been in this situation. I need a little cheering up. Hubby and I found a house we both love in the right location, we went to the bank in august and low and behold our credit wasn't good enough after working hard to get it up (student loan debt prior to meeting me) 😭 fast forward to now the house is still for sale and I want it so freaking bad!! we thought we were going to get help from his dad (who owns the house we live in now) and last night he informed us he isn't going to help us, I absolutely hate where we live! I just want out, I have no idea what his credit score is ( I have no credit at all so I'm no help) I just want to move and finally start our life and be on our own. I just want to cry I have no idea what to do. any advice or just something that will make me feel less miserable...and to top it off my period is late as bad I want to be pregnant I refuse to have a baby while living here...