I've always wondered

I have been staying off Glow as much as possible. I miscarried in July and was supposed to be due next month on Valentine's. I got pregnant while not trying but not avoiding either... I had a D&C in July. Fell in deep depression.
Now I'm tracking my cycle again.. But my boyfriend doesn't want a baby currently. He thinks it happened for a reason, that we should do things the right way (ring, wedding, then baby). Now my girlfriend brain is happy at this! But my depressed semi-mother brain is not. I'm hurt. Because while men do lose something in all this as well we PHYSICALLY lost a part of us and they'll never quite get that. Is it me? Am I wrong for being upset because I want my baby back? He's hurt and he cried with me through it all. I'm just hurt that we are STILL not using protection but he still doesn't "want" to try either.. But all he used is just the pull out method. He says we should be ready. Then why not use protection? All I do is just secretly track my ovulation and symptoms because I know we're not using protection and it all just disappoints me every month. I know he's not a bad man so it's not to dishonor him I just would like some
Feedback since no one knew of my pregnancy so they wouldn't understand if I asked them.