It's not fair.

It's been almost two months that we got the worst heart breaking news of my life. The news that our daughter no longer had a heart beat. I was 38 weeks and 4 days pregnant and started to have contractions on 12/8/15 that Tuesday morning so of course I called my husband and told him that I was having strong contraction. We done got so excited thinking that we was getting ready to meet our baby girl so we rushed to the hospital for them to take me up to check me. While they are hooking me up to check on the baby they started act weird and said they couldn't find her. So after three people tried to find her the dr came in to tell me that our baby girl didn't have a heart beat and couldn't tell us why or what happen. I deliver her at 2:22am on 12/9/15 she was 7lb 4 oz and 201/2 in long. My beautiful baby girl is a angel. She was just to perfect for this world and God knew it so he decided to make her one of his angels.