Hope after supplementing!

I started supplementing with formula 4 days after my daughter was born because of dehydration, weight loss, and a low diaper count. I continued to supplement because she struggled to get back up to her birth weight and never seemed satisfied after nursing. It has been so demoralizing! The health of my daughter absolutely trumps my pride and I am happy to have been able to give her formula to get her back at a healthy weight, but I felt so inadequate knowing I wasn't producing enough breast milk for her.

I continued to nurse on demand, pump to try to increase my supply, and feed bottles with formula. Well, yesterday we found out our baby girl gained 13 ounces in 7 days! She's finally getting back on track! And tonight when I pumped, I got 2.5 ounces. That is more than twice what I'm normally able to get!! Everything I read online said my supply would diminish if I gave my baby formula and I was desperately hoping that wasn't true. I'm so happy to start seeing the light at the end of this tunnel!

My goal is to eventually wean my daughter off formula completely and now it feels like that might actually happen. I'm so thankful to have that hope after these past few tearful, exhausting weeks. I never thought breastfeeding would be such a challenge. Just wanted to share my little victories.