Plus sides...

So here it is 6 am, I'm ready for work and don't have to leave until 7.... I've been doing a lot of thinking while getting ready an hour early... 
Yes we are plus size beauties, and maybe I'm the only one out there thinking about all the negative things that go with being plus sized and pregnant (thanks media!!!!), but surely we can all think of some PLUS SIDES to being plus sized and pregnant... 😊 
Here are a few of mine so far... 
1) I've already felt the struggle of shaving "blind"... And I'm pretty good at it! 😉
2) oh yeah putting shoes on is getting harder... Yup I've been there for awhile too... 
3) stretch marks... What's a few more?! 
I'm sure I will have more- but come on ladies help me out! 😉😘