Advice :(

Heather Anne
So I met this guy and so far, things are going okay. I went to his house to hang out and I ended up giving him oral. This was my first time kissing anyone, let alone giving oral. I feel like I rushed it, but at the same time, I don't regret it. But the problem is, I feel like after doing that he feels like he got what he wanted and hasn't really been making all that much effort when we talk. I don't want to just be someone who sucks a guys dick and that's it. I really like him and I want to be in a relationship with him. How do I bring this up without seeming clingy? And how do I bring up wanting to spend Valentine's Day with him? Am I clingy? I need help. This is my first time talking to a guy who has shown interest. I'm so confused. Please help :(