The white's men hidden agenda??

So there is a video going around on FB, of a teacher explaining why blacks are genetically stronger than any other race. She brings out a lil chart, gives a scientific explanition to back up her claim. And everything is good untill... 
She claims jails are filled with black men because white people are afriad of how strong their genes are. And in an attempt to stop them from reproducing and hopefully becoming extinct, they are throwing all the black men in prison or killing them. Not only that but, they are also making many black men and women turn gay so they wont have children. The post was followed by hundreds of comments, by African Americans who agreed 100%... 
My personal thought was: hmm, so what you are saying is that all those black men sitting in jail right now are all innocent? Interesting. Than I was left with the question of how are whites causing blacks to trun gay? She never did explain that. I than found one lonley comment that, for the most part expressed my opinion... 
Needless to say all the respondes he got were full of anger and hate. I tried to share the actual video so everyone could have a better understanding but I couldnt... 
And thats the beginning of 2016 for ya!