Wanting to try again


First let me start by saying I am terribly sorry for everyone's loss. I know that it is by far the most devastating thing that any of us could ever imagine going through. So here's my story, I got my bfp on 31 Dec. On 12 Jan I went to the emergency room for severe cramps, no spotting or bleeding. Fast forward a week and I'm told that my hcg levels were abnormal and that I would have a miscarriage. They gave me the option of either having a shot to end the pregnancy or to have a D&C. I was completely crushed, out of sadness and pure desperation I agreed to the surgery. The day before I was to have the surgery I couldn't go through with it. I needed to know for my own sanity that the pregnancy was truly going to fail. Four days later u woke up to heavy bleeding and eventually cramps that felt like the beginning stages of labor. The next day I naturally miscarried. That was yesterday 1/27. Today all though I'm sad for the loss of my baby, all I want is to be pregnant again. Is it to soon to want to be pregnant again. My doctor said I could start trying whenever I was ready, she told me to continue my vitamins and also prescribed folic acid. Are any of you guys desperately wanting to try again? Am I crazy for wanting to try again so soon?

P.s. sorry for the long post just need to vent, hoping I'm not alone in my feelings