Made it full term!

After 16 weeks of bedrest due to a short cervix I was induced at 38 weeks and 6 days due to beginning signs of preeclampsia. 
At 5pm 1/6/16 they broke my water and started the pitocin. By 8pm I was puking so they gave me phenigren. By 10pm I was 5 cm dilated and thanks to being induced my contractions were every 1.5-2mims apart. I started asking for an epidural, even though my intention was to do a natural birth. It was a pain I'd never felt. My boy was face up so every contraction pushed his head back into my spine and the pain 😑 oh my. Well my blood pressure went crazy. It went to 200/110 and they had to work on getting that under control before they would give me the epidural. At 12am I was 7cm and still waiting for my epidural, I realized I wouldn't be getting the epidural. I couldn't sit still long enough during the contractions for them to put a needle in my back so I got my natural birth. Thankfully at 1am 1/7/16 I was 10cm and ready to push! Because of the pain in my back I ended up pushing on my side. I pushed about 30 mins and then my baby boy was here!