Advice for High School

Honestly, the best thing you can focus on is your grades. They are the only thing in high school that will truly matter in reference to college and TRUST ME you WILL want those outstanding grades you WILL want bragging rights. If you put your best efforts towards school in the first year it will have a lasting effect and you will be more motivated to keep striving.
Second, do not and I repeat DO NOT engage in gossip or trash talk. DO NOT. If someone is gossiping to you just nod and be like "oh um okay" or "ah I see" just short responses like that. If they get mad you aren't agreeing with them then remember YOU look like the better person and they can't make you feel shitty for not trash talking. If you trash talk or gossip it WILL get around you said it. And you will come to learn that many people you meet are deceiving at first so give people time before you have a final confusion. AND remember if you gossip the people you gossip to immediately don't trust you because they think you will gossip about them someday.
Third, boys. Please listen to me on this. There is no boy in the history of high school that you will prolly think "cute popular enough" that will keep a secret, NONE of them will. This is dangerous. They have the ability to trash your reputation within seconds if you let them. Lots of boys will tease and frustrate you and harass you but you MUST remain calm. The reason why is because once again YOU are the more mature cooler person in all of those scenarios and they look like thirsty idiots. BUT if you plead and be like no stop teasing you meanies and try to make peace they will see you as weak, they know they aren't treating you with respect and if you try to still talk to them they know they can contuine to disrespect you. 
Fourth, sex. Please also really listen to me on this. There isn't any boy in high school that will give you the affection and pleasure you deserve. Your first time having sex will go like this: you guys awkwardly stare at each other as he puts it in, he will get shaky and thrust very slowly, he won't get past 3-4 thrusts before he pulls out and cums. That's literally it. It won't be special like the movies, it won't have a fairy tale ending. I'm telling you this so that you will KNOW what to expect and you won't let your first time take you by surprise. And always know that no matter what you are entitled to every right to say no. Did he spend $100 on you? So what you can't be bought say no. Did you guys already get to foreplay? So what sexual contact is NOT about having actual sex every time. DO NOT LET A DUMB HIGH SCHOOL MALE MAKE YOU FEEL LIKE YOU NEED TO PUT OUT, YOU DON'T, THEY LITERALLY KNOW THEY CAN PRESSURE YOU AND KNOW HOW TO MAKE YOU FEEL CORNERED IN SITUATIONS.
Fifth, don't take any dirty pics. Honestly there's not really anything wrong with them like people are people and they have vanity and just expressing their bodies and whatever, but people will be VERY VICIOUS about dirty pics in high school and will send them to everyone. It's not worth the risk. 
Sixth, lay low your first couple years. Or for three years. You WILL wish you had during your senior year. If you stand out and get into drama or draw too much attention then you might develop a reputation you didn't even intend, or people will meet you and might say "oh I've heard about you" or have a preconceived idea about you. Lay low. Be like Taylor swift. Look plain and nerdy and be invisible and then your senior year BAM you bring out the big guns you do you to the fullest. AND by senior year you will know who is untrustworthy and shifty and who is a real honest person and you know who is worth hanging around.
Seriously there is nothing you can do in your first couple of years (like staying up super late to watch a movie, bieng late because you did your hair, spending all of your money on makeup, yelling at your mom because she won't let you go out) that you look back and say oh I'm glad I did that. Nothing. So whatever you think is most important at that moment is probably not. Be nice to your mom. She will be protective and annoying as hell but if you figure out who is the right crowd to hang with and you build slow friendships and bring your friends around your mom, she will feel better and her anxiety will be soothed because she knows the people you will hang out. This will come as an extreme advantage during your senior year when you will want to just explore and have fun. 
Let me tell you something else. I feel like a lot of us women can agree that the people we had sex with in high school are completely meaningless and pointless to us now. AND TRUST ME they will give you an STD they WILL and you have no way of knowing if their word is good before you have sex. 
It never shameful to be a virgin, but DO NOT shame those who are sexually active. If you like bieng sexually active just be careful take in all my advice and please see your gynecologist for testing every year. 
Let me tell you what I found to be admirable qualities about other people I wished I had in high school:
Composure, patience, staying calm, bieng approachable but slightly intimidating so that nobody wants to pick on you, confidence- always back yourself up, people pick on those who aren't self confident, straightforwardness, mysteriousness, modesty, and putting yourself first.