Is breastfeeding supposed to hurt this bad?!

Ashlynn • Married and mother of 2 perfect little boys with a sweet baby girl on the way- due in October 👻💕
I have no idea what I'm doing wrong..every day I'm blocked somewhere new, or a completely new problem shows up. Last night before going to bed I pumped and completely emptied myself, I woke up 3hrs later with my boobs just aching! I could hardly touch them. So I went to go pump and I realized I wasn't even full..I had hardly anything in there..and now again waking up like only 2hours later it feels like that again, and I'm not even full!! 
It feels like a terrible bruise and someone won't stop pushing on it. I can't even lay down, get up, hold it. Nothing. 
I want to give up on breastfeeding because of all the issues I've been bumping into 😕😩😭😭