Second opinion

I feel very much out of the loop with my pregnancy it's been nothing but problems since day one. I was so sick the first 20 weeks I couldn't eat then I had horrible migraines then I had surgery for an emergency stent for kidney stones where I spent a week in the hospital 5 weeks later I had surgery again for stones I was on morphin, dilaudid, and Vicodin for the whole second trimester to control the pain. The other day I found out I have gestational diabetes I've only gained 10 pounds but I'm measuring 4 weeks ahead with the tape measure . I told my husband today I think I need a second opinion about what's going bc my Ob dr is so vague and always says everything is fine. At my dietary appt today all the nurse practitioner did was hand me a packet and asked me if I had any questions. Nothing else. My husband said all I have to do is make changes to my diet and I eat too much. How can I eat too much when I have only gained 10 lbs in 30 weeks and I only eat maybe 1-2 meals a day. I'm so irritated with everyone and the vague care I've received with my 1st two kids the doctors were amazing they always explained everything and made sure I understood things. I had regular NST's done, vaginal exams and they called to check in on me now I feel like I'm just in and out at each visit with no information. Sorry I just needed to vent I'm so over all these complications and feeling like crap everyday. :(