Just need to rant... I apologize for the length....


About me, I work in a hospital cafeteria. I serve dozens of meals a day to our staff and visitors. I meet so many people who are sad, worried, angry, and tired but they always manage to be polite and at least act like decent people.

I will never forget one elderly couple that just came through my line for the second time this week. They come to visit her mother who is very ill. They look like they should be a cute old couple but looks are deceiving. This woman is an incredibly hateful bitch towards her husband (please excuse my language but there is no nice way to describe her). You can tell that this poor man has suffered from years of verbal abuse (no obvious signs of physical abuse). She is so hateful to him. She will not allow him to speak for himself at all. I forgot to mention he was in a wheelchair.

Even in a wheelchair she demanded that he do things for her that she could do for herself. She claimed she couldn't do anything because "she has a bad back." Even when I tried to speak to him directly and help him decide what he wanted, this woman stated that she knows what he wants ,she knows what he needs.

The she made him stand up and pay for the food when her purse was in his lap! Lady you can pay for your own damn food! Ugh! I feel so sorry for this man but it's not my place to say anything and it kills me. I've never seen someone treated so badly in public, I'm afraid to think what this woman has done to this man.

I'm sorry for writing so much but it just hurts my heart to see this happen to anyone! All I could do is answer her kindly with "yes ma'am" "no ma'am." When I really wanted to jump across the counter and strangle this witch...