Pulling a Kim K at this point..

Anyone hear of Sunfairychrissy the medium?? She was featured in Parents mag a few times, she's known for being a baby whisperer in all aspects especially fertility wise. Well I gave it a shot last night (she has a FB page) and did a reading for all future pregnancies(that includes genders and numbers surrounding the baby). I was actually shocked at what she told me! I have had a few miscarriages and I didn't tell her that, only told her that I've been Pregnant before. She said I suffered from 3 losses and the last being a baby girl, we had a D&C for our last Mis and did in fact find out the gender but never told any family or ANYONE about it bc we figured it would be harder for them, and she knew?! CRAZY. Then proceeded to say our first baby will be a stunning baby girl (again), she will be either conceived and or We will find out we are pregnant with her THIS March.😳😱 and the numbers surrounding the baby were 1 and 11, my next period is due Feb 3rd, aka I can test the First of Feb and possibly get a bfp AND by early March (11th) could possibly be my first ultrasound apt to confirm pregnancy/heartbeat (my doc doesn't take anyone until they are 8 weeks along)..... I mean I typically never do this kind of thing but desperate times!!😝 and it shocked the hell out of me!!! She even mentioned 2 more future pregnancies. Go look her up or her website and give it a shot, bc why not?!