Anyone else emotional about switching from one child to two?

Just laying here in bed resting and my almost 7 year old son climbs in with me, and then it dawns on me, I only have a couple days if not less with my son before our daughter comes, I've been showing signs of pending labour and am scheduled for an induction on feb 2nd if something doesn't happen before hand, now don't get me wrong we have tried for four years for this baby and are overjoyed that we are getting our little girl, we have been blessed with the so called "million dollar family" and We couldn't be more thankful, but it's almost overwhelming to me to think this is almost the end of just the three of us. My son is so excited to become a big brother as we are excited for him to go through this experience with us but yet as I type this I'm tearing up, I'm hoping this is hormones and another sure sign she is coming soon but also wondering if anyone else has felt this way and if they have any advice on how they handled and coped with the change of a second child and the emotions that come with it.