Respect for all you mommies

Yes I know some of you may not yet be mommies but in my eyes you are, so this won't be the usual post you find on glow it won't be a post about me TTC or an announcement (it hasn't happened yet but I have faith it will) anyway I wanted to write a message to all the beautiful women on this app who are trying to complete Thier family's or are trying for the first time to have that dream maybe that's the wrong word to have that deep part of them that wants to sacrifice Thier body Thier time and give all the love beyond words to Thier future babies and children I have so much respect and love for you all, every day I log what I need to then skim through the posts and comments you lovely women leave and even time I see one of you praying this will be the month my heart goes out to you I pray with you when I see a comment on the pain you bare through miscarriage I morn for you each and everyone of you deserve to be mothers every single one of you will be a blessing to your child and each and every one of you are the very description of hope and love, I know some of you must be tired of hearing the it will happen line it's a harsh line at that sometimes I've lost count myself but have faith if not in your future children or SO have faith in yourself you are all wonderful strong and brilliant woman I wish you nothing but the best with your future, be proud of what you have accomplished be proud of what each of you have and are still enduring it gives me strength just knowing that I am not alone in the world. Love to you all xoxox