Ladies with Nuvaring?!

I inserted nuvaring the first day of my period (18th of Jan), when I first put it in, it felt really low even though I tried my best to put it up there (TMI 😩). Anyway, I just feel like it's super low because after sex it just feels much much higher and I came off my period after 4 days but now have these random times of spotting. Literally like I'll be spotting and it looks heavy enough to put in a tampon then it's time to change the tampon and there is barely anything so I take it out and then BAM, it's back again! Anyone experienced this? Do you think it's not high enough so my body is thinking I took it out? I'm supposedly ovulating tomorrow and have been having sex regularly because doc said give it 7 days. Is this normal? It's totally not normal for my period to last longer than 4 days. The blood goes from light pink to red.