Breastfeeding moms, I really need your help!

Ceyonia • 22. Married. Mommy of Titan Amari Smith 😌.
My baby is 1 week old today & breastfeeding is going pretty well . I have a really good medella electric pump that I've only used twice since starting my breastfeeding journey & I the most I got was about 1.25 oz in 45 mins total a few days ago. I mostly feed baby directly from me since I'm home most of the time . But soon I will be going back to class and I will be away from baby for about 4 hours 2 days a week. Also , though it's only been a week, These nightly feelings are taking its toll. I feed every 2-3 hours, but basically on demand because that's how often my baby wakes during day/night. Because I'm only feeding him right now, im soooo tired from lack of sleep . I could really use tips on creating a schedule that'll allow me to pump & directly feed baby . Right now I'm struggling with that because I feel like the only Time I can pump is when he's sleeping but during that time I rather sleep while I can too rather than spend that time pumping . Im starting to fear that I'll have to supplement with formula for night time feelings & when I'm class so my husband can feed him as well . I really want to EBF but figuring out a schedule has been difficult & I'm getting discouraged. What do I do?