Unhappily, happily married. 😞

I got married at young age. My husband and I got married after only knowing each other for 6 months. We've now been married for almost 10 months. I love this man more than anything in this world. He is 10 years older than me so there can be a lot of controversy in our relationship at times due to that. It's gotten to where here lately he doesn't do anything to help out around the house. I can't even get him to take the trash out. My aunt told me to decide if him and his love are worth the tired endless days of working and doing everything around the house. But how do you learn to live with that everyday? And then on top of that he's been making me feel really bad about myself. He only sees what I do wrong he doesn't see what he does wrong. He's always blaming me for everything. At times he can be so verbally mean to me. I don't know if he's unhappy or seeing someone else or what. I just know that I love him more than anything in this  world and it's killing me to live with this everyday. Any advice on how to deal with this? I really want to fix our marriage because I don't want a divorce. Ladies please help! Any advice or tips would be extremely helpful!Â