Involuntary bulimia after pregnancies?


A little background : I have 2 kids less than a year apart. I had horrible morning sickness both times and LOST 20 lbs each pregnancy before I delivered, but the Dr didn't worry and my babies are happy and healthy. I was vomiting anywhere from 5 to 12 times a week for all 9 months with both pregnancies. Now a year after my last was born I'm struggling. For the past 6 months I've been vomiting again really often. 3 to 10 times per week after eating. I've done food journals and cannot find any allergy or anything. Been to the Dr and they can't find anything wrong. They offered to do a scope to make sure my stomach is ok but they think it is.

I have heard bulimia can be difficult to recover from because your body gets used to vomiting and does it automatically. Could it be the same here? Has anyone went thru anything like this?