2 weeks late (TMI) long story

I'm now 2 weeks late, for most woman this would be a god sent, but for me it's never what most woman would think. My cycles are never set in stone I will always be a week or two late, and my doctor said its hard for me to conceive due to my BMI. but something seems different. My last period i had a whole week of spotting on and off and browny discharge, I was nervous as that's NEVER happened before but then as it carried into the 7th/8th day it started to get a little heavier not as heavy as my usual period but like a very light period so I took this as my period. This month again a no show but things are different, but I don't know if they are different or in just noticing things more than usual. My nipples are sore but my breasts aren't and there not any bigger, I'm more tired I didn't really notice until one day I was off work I woke up quite late half 11am then at 3pm I laid down and fell asleep for two hours, I'm not the type to just fall asleep. I've been weeing more or I think I have, I've been waking up the same time every morning if not before to use the bathroom (I'm usually a sleep all night girl) I've been having vivid weird dreams, I'm extremely sensitive, e.g my fiancee was playing his playing his game on team speak and told me to take my hair dryer else where usually I'd just huff and proceeds with finding another plug but this time oh no I threw my hairdryer on the floor and point blank refused to dry my hair adamant no other plug would satisfie, I wouldn't eat until I had exactly what I had created in my head (pizza). If been passing wind a lot which and constipated. Yesterday I got back ache, pelvis ache and my left leg ache. Spots in odd places like my earlobe and I've been waking up hungry and I'm not a person that usually feels hungry. Also water I hate drinking water it has to have juice but water seems to be refreshing atm & iv been doing stupid stuff like I have sweater in my tea, I put sweater in my tea as usual forgot I did after 2 seconds and added sugar, iv been putting stuff in stupid places like milk in the Cuboard etc (noticing two minutes later) and I'm just forgetting everything. But at the some time I've been getting tiny cramps but sometimes it's gas cramps other times I'm not sure they last for mini seconds. I'm scared to test because I'm still convinced my period will come as it always does, are all these little things just normal but I'm suddenly noticing with more detail? Should I wait or test?