Ttc after Nuvaring

So here we are month two ttc after Nuvaring. It's January 31 and AF is due Feb 6. I'm very nervous. My birthday is the 5th and it would be an amazing birthday suprise but I just don't "feel" pregnant. I'm a nurse so I over analyze every thing anyways but I'm trying to not get my hopes up since I really don't feel preg. The only significant symptom I have had is exhaustion. I normally work overtime at the hospital like 5-6days of 13hrs shifts on a critical care unit and still find time to go to the gym...exhaustion has never been an issue but this week has been the ABSOLUTE worse. I can't even get myself to the gym b/c of how sleepy I am even if I sleep for 16hrs I wake up and need a nap. I don't want to read into this because my gut says AF is around the corner...