🌿🍒;Lyiah;🍍🌿 • I'm 18, engaged to my amazing fiancè 😍 and ttc for baby #1 👶💘

Can anyone tell me if it's normal to feel extremely tired & thirsty after ovulation and have a lot of gas?

Yesterday was my last day of ovulation. Anyways, I was at a get together and around 7 last night exhaustion hit me to the point where I could barely hold my eyes open.. So me & fiancé got home around 10ish then I passed out around 11ish, and I'm not talking the "I'm tired let's lay down and go to bed" passing out. I'm talking the literal passing out like I've ran 5 miles (I was on my phone, then next thing I knew I woke up on my fiance's chest)

Since I've been home I've been extremely thirsty. I'm talking drinking drinks back to back, because I'm finishing the drinks off within minutes because of how thirsty I am.

I've also been really gassy today. Fr, If I'm not burping, I'm farting or vice versa. 😒😒😒😒

Does this happen to ANYONE else?!?! 😟