Doula disaster

My husband and I live in Japan and we have no family and no close friends here. I am getting nervous about the upcoming birth. It's not that I think that my husband can't be a support system he's just not very comforting. I mentioned hiring a doula to "mother" the both of us by
Being a physical and emotional support during labor. He seemed so offended that I would even ask about a doula, as if he would turn into super man all of the sudden and know exactly what a birthing partner should do! We don't have access to any birthing classes in English here so we are seriously going at it blind aside from the 35737483 baby books that I've read. He has a difficult time retaining information while reading so he won't read any baby books although I do explain all
Of the things that he can do to help me through labor. I know there are lots of women who deliver babies in much worse off situations and my husband is so excited for me to bringing our son into this world I just don't want labor to be more traumatic then it already will be. I really want to go forward with the doula and I will talk to him about it again after he feels less prideful about it but common! Ugh. Men. 😜