Nursing 1 breast pet feeding

My 6 week old has only been nursing from one breast per feeding for about 7-10 min I average and in total. This has been the case since week 4. She wakes up every 2.5-3 hrs to feed. I give her pumped milk in bottle and per feeding she takes around 3 oz. after bottle as well, she wakes up at 2.5-3 hrs to feed but for in the night when she will sleep for 4-5 hrs. I worry if she is drinking enough when breast feeding since she does it for such a short time and only on one breast. She has 6-7 wet and dirty diapers a day and weight gain is in-line for a 27 percentile in weight baby.. She was 7 pounds when born and was 8 1/2 pound at her 1 month check up. Any input or experience anyone can flag are ?