Advice needed....

Winter • I am a 31 year old step Mother of four, consisting of two boys and two girls. I've been married for 18 months and been ttc for two months. Praying for a miracle.
I honestly never to my knowledge been pregnant. I do suffer from pcos and irregular cycles. I am over weight and stressed alot. I recently had an hsg test 12/1/15. I found out my left tube is open but my right tube is completely blocked. I was on provera November and December. January 2016 I started Fertibella conceive easy. I took my last pill of the first bottle this morning. I had a missed period this month but, I'm not pregnant. I ran through so many test that I'm feeling discouraged. I go back to my fertility specialist Feb 3rd and 10th, and I'm hoping he puts me on some fertility meds to help me. I just want my miracle baby. I'm so stressed. I just need some advice. 17 years is a long time. I say this because I started screwing at that time. It's obviously me because all the guys I dated all have children.