It is possible to have a pregnancy after Ectopic.

Hi ladies, I've been following this group for a while now. A little back story, I had an ectopic pregnancy in August and lost my right tube. In October I conceived again but it was a chemical pregnancy, same with the following month. Well I am happy to say that I am now 6 weeks 5 days pregnant with my Rainbow. It is possible to have another pregnancy and it not be ectopic. My God is an awesome God and has a plan for everything, even when we cannot see it. After my ectopic I did lose faith in God and was angry with him. But he kept loving me and my faith was restored. The chemical pregnancies I was upset but did not lose the faith, I know God was there with me through my tears. It is possible to have a pregnancy after Ectopic. It is possible to be happy again, it is possible for your dreams to come true. Keep the faith, stay in prayer. I am not in the clear yet but I am happy that I made it this far and the baby is not in my tube.