Advice Please. Very long and possibly TMI details (no tmi pics at all.)

Shorty • TTC for many years.. Been with Hubby 11 years and Married for 6 years♡

Hey Ladies.

Just looking for some advice.

My cycles have always been irregular but since i tried Vitex a few years ago for while they have become a little bit more predictable if you know what i mean (ive attached a copy of cycles).

Previously before trying vitex my cycles were horrible as in 70% of the time they last 12+ days every 2-3 months and were very very heavy flows.

My last 3 cycles have been 7 days or less with (to me) a very very light period which to me is a little scary knowing what they are normally like. (Did HPT-Neg)

Im not on any medications except pregnancy pre-natals.

A little history to assist with advice.

*Female aged 28 years. 76kgs. Healthy

*Only known medical issue is (chronic) Acute Pancreaititis but is currently under control via diet (less fatty foods, smaller regular meals, no alcohol etc not an actual diet type deal).

* Was told by hospital that i have PCOS, not yet been confirmed or denied. In process of finding a decent GP at present. Cysts on ovaries were present.

* history of pregnancy losses

Miscarriage @ 9wks in 2004 (didnt know was pregnant till miscarriage due to irregular cycles).

Ectopic pregnancy @ approx 7-9wks 2012, surgery with right tube removed.

Ectopic pregnancy @ 5wks 2013, Medically managed. Tube saved.

Early miscarriage @ 4 weeks 2013, natural.

* Been with hubby for 9 years. TTC # for just over 7 years.

What can you suggest i do to assist with trying to get pregnant? I know there is no fast solution but anything to help improve my chances will be much appreciated.

Any fitness ideas? Food suggestions (keep in mind non fatty items please) vitamins etc.

Until ive been with a GP for more then 1 year with no success they wont do anything above the basic fertility tests not even referrals (hence why im looking for a decent GP)

Im now 28 years old and hubby will be 31 this year. We would like nothing more then to start our family together.

Attached is Cycles Chart, Januarys details and most recent HPT