Shes here!!!

Kayla • Due Jan 19 with Daisy Grace🎀🌼

Born 1/27/16 at 8:59am

8lbs 3oz

20 1/2in

Daisy Grace is deffinately my biggest blessing but getting her here was the worst experience if my life! I went in to be induced and as soon as I got the pitocin everything went down hill. Epidural didn't work, they gave me a shot of Demerol, my blood pressure dropped to nothing, I was in so much pain. Then the really scary part, they lost Daisy's heartbeat. I knew something was bad wrong when all then nurses rushed in and they were screaming to roll me back and forth and get the Dr. Immediately! The Dr was there fast and off to have an emergency c- section I went. I was terrified and having a panic attack. They had to put me completely asleep. It was very traumatic but soon after I got to hold the most beautiful, healthy, perfect little girl!