Anyone else's newborn not nap?

Kelli • .

We get up around 9 every morning and now it is 3pm and my 6 and a half week old has yet to take a proper nap. This is a typical day for us. I feel like I spend all day just trying to get her to nap. I would understand if she was sleeping long stretches at night but she's not. When she finally falls asleep she wakes up after 20 minutes MAX. Today she's had two of these mini naps. She fights sleep so hard. Yesterday I got her in her crib for a nap but it took an hour and a half to get her in there!

I've tried the crib, the swing, the bouncer, and just holding her. Keeping it dark, keeping it light. Pacifier, no pacifier. Swaddled, not swaddled. TV, white noise, no noise at all.

By supper time she's so overtired and cranky. A newborn can't possibly thrive on this little sleep.