BF and guilt

Patty • Mom of two baby boys & baker.
My son is 6 weeks and 2 days and I originally wanted to make it to 6 months of BF, but I am considering being done. I do enjoy feeding him, the problem I'm having is that my supply isn't good. In one pump session I make 1-1.5 oz. Also, he is slow at feedings, so that takes about an hour to BFand then eat 3 oz of formula. After eating he wants to be held until he falls asleep and then Im supposed to pump for 15-20 mins. He wakes up in less than 2 hours to feed again!
 I'm exhausted. My husband helps when he comes home after a 12 hour shift, and I try to nap 4 hours at least if I don't hear the baby crying or fussing. To this I have to add all the chores and errands I have to do. I'm over whelmed, lonely, and exhausted. I find myself snapping at my husband and feeling resentment, mostly because he gets 6 hours of sleep at night if he doesn't do something stupid like stay up playing video games. I always got mean and snappy when I lacked sleep and the fact that we don't have family near by is what has me feeling this way. I wish my mom or his mom lived near to help, but we are just depending on each other. He wants to have another kid, and I don't know if I can do this again and with a toddler. 
I am going to discuss PPD with my doctor cause I feel I do have symptoms, but right now I don't know if BF is a good option for me,  or my family, and I feel guilty about how it could affect him health wise.