2year old doesn't talk

I sometimes get concern when I see other kids around my son's age talking. My son is going to turn 23 months by end of this month. He babbles a lot, he is social and understand when I asking for stuff or do so stuff. He doesn't say any words really. I have to constantly tell him to say mom instead of (ehh ehh!). If he is in a good mood he will say ma-ma or da-da depending on which one of us he is (ehh-ehhing) too. He will point at items he wants and if I tell him to say the item after I mention it to him (if he is in a good mood) he will repeat it sometimes clearly and sometimes not so clearly but he tries to sound it off. His favorite thing to say is just, "oh nooo" or "ooooh". He won't say any words on his own but instead "eeh, oh nooo and oooh". He has his doc appointment next month for his 2 year check up. We speak to him in English, my husband's mom speaks very little to him in Vietnamese (she lives with us) and once a month he is gone with my parents for 4days and they only speak Spanish to him. Should I be concern that he isn't talking really? :/ 
So I did speak to his doctor and she told me to wait till October. She wanted to give him some more time before she assigns him to speech therapy. He is now 27months and has surprised us a bit. He now says a lot more word if I tell him to say it. He will point at objects and tries to say what it is. (This is a big improvement.) he still says "eeh" a lot but is starting to used words with it. He even talks time to time to the tv and mentions the characters names... Sometimes they sound perfect and sometimes off but he is definitely trying a lot more now. Hopefully soon he starts talking more. (Doctor did tell me she just beloved he is lazy)