Don't get annoyed

Okay I've done it too, click on one of these posts and comment "take a test" "call your doctor" don't do that to me I've already tested and I plan on making an appointment

I had 2 days of medium bleeding a few days before my period was due then 2 days of pink spotting. My periods are usually heavy and disgusting. My emotions have been insane, my face is broken out, I'm TIRED, this morning I smelled breakfast and puked, and I've been having period like cramps since before my period they usually go after my period.

Now I don't know if its because I want to be pregnant or what but I feel like I am ecspecially after waking up and and puking. I tested 2 days ago and it was negative I have another test but I don't want to take it because half of me is still trying to tell myself its all in my head. Has anyone else had this and been pregnant or not been pregnant I need some women's advice or something...

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Lots of women have had that and not been pregnant. Periods being lighter than what's typical for you is normal too... For example I had my period this month for a day and didn't even need a tampon, mine are usually short (3 days) but medium flow. Sometimes we just have abnormal months. 


Stacy • Feb 6, 2016
Agreed! Mine usually last 5 days...3 heavy days with 2 lighter days. My last one was just 3 light days.