Left abuse. Now Valentine's Day is a huge downer for some reason

Left my abusive husband. Now I am feeling sorry for myself alone on Valentine's Day. Lol I feel silly. I could go out with a random but I'm not like that. 
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Posted at
Well first off, congratulations for removing yourself from that relationship! Secondly, sure it sounds cheesy but do something wonderful for yourself this Vday. Do something you never do, or have the time to do.


Angie • Feb 6, 2016
Yes! ^^^


Posted at
Have a dam party lady don't be down you did something amazing that many women to this day won't do..We left our abusive men!!!Celebrate!! That's something to be happy about being single isn't that bad after I left mine I did a total redo on myself a new look new hair I lost weight did my own thing..So this year for valentines my dear grab a group of single friends go eat some sushi or Chinese and celebrate because this year you won't be crying over an idiot!And if that doesn't help buy chocolate lol it cures what ales women always! 


Posted at
Use it as an opportunity to treat yourself. Get your nails done, order in, buy a pint of ice cream and order a movie at home. 


Posted at
You should be so proud of yourself!! Get together with your single friends crack some bubbly, have a spa day, get fancy and go to a nice restaurant! 


Posted at
Leaving an abuse relationship is really impressive! Spend the day taking care of yourself and being proud of yourself for your acheivment!Well done! Strong woman!


Posted at
Don't let it be! If you can, go out! I like to treat myself with a manicure, window shopping, lunch alone, browsing the bookstore... whatever. Buy alone bottle of wine and stay in and watch romance movies. It's your job to take care of you. That dirt bag doesn't deserve your sadness -he always wanted you to feel this way.