My birth story!

Jessica • I'm 24 taken and mother of 3girls and a baby on the way due February 5th.
It all started January 27, 2016 at 5am. I started having contractions that were coming consistently. The ol man and kids were already up thank god. Well I came in got the kids dressed slowly lol as I was hunched over. The ol man was rushing cause I said it was time. Well we took the kids to his moms first then got to the hospital at bout 6am and I was already 6cm dilated. Well after the dr checked me and broke my waters the baby came with the nurse and daddy delivering her and cutting her cord at 8:28am. Then this is when my labor went south it was bad from here. The dr didn't massage the placenta out he just yanked it out and it exploded all over him. He didn't put me out or give me pain relief before he went rest deep inside me to get the rest out I felt it all it hurt so bad and my mom walked in as my placenta exploded on the dr. But he just kept scrapping me out and I was in so much pain it was worse then labor then as he says I can't get it all out after he scrapping the crap outta me he give me pain meds then he says I gotta take her to the or and do a d&c to get the rest out. Well my mans freaking out and so is my mom after the dr takes me for the sugary thank god they put my ass to sleep or I think I might have died lol. But everything went great after that and they kept me in the hospital for 3days cause I apparently had preeclampsia too. I lost a lot of blood from his stupid act of not massaging the placenta out but my baby girl was healthy and everything! I'm going to a different dr for my 6weeks postnatal appointment to make sure he didn't screw my insides up. But I'm very happy so far we're both doing great at home. Nothing wrong so far. But that dr wanted me to get my tubes tied and I said no! I would not recommend going to dr Perry the nurse said that was the second time that week he did that to someone. Well thats our story hope everyone has a better story.